I hate to call this a “life hack”

It has been a busy spring and I feel bad about not updating the blog more frequently.  I like doing it, but it always seems like other tasks jump in the way (taxes seemed to be the issue last month).

I’m sure we all enjoyed the great weather over the past two months.  The cows had more good grass around than they could possibly eat.  They are fat and we’re getting ready to send a few to the butcher.  Right now, we’re actually having to cut the grass to keep it from getting too far ahead of us.  I wish we had more cows…

It’s exciting being close to finishing our first season of doing this.  We’ve put a ton of work into trying to get it right the first time…and of course learned lots of lessons about what to change for next time. 

Why all the effort?  Gearld Fry (yes, his name was spelled exactly like that) was an old-time cattleman from Arkansas and used to ask the question: does the food that your feed your family or sell to your neighbor promote their health, intelligence, and longevity?  We hope it does – that’s exactly why we are doing this.

Not everybody has a fitness goal.  You may not be interested in eating a paleo diet, training for half-marathons, or going to Cross-Fit every day – most folks aren’t.  I’m not.  But anybody can substitute the lower quality food they were going to eat with more natural food and feel better in the long run.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s a steak, vegetables, or bread.  Everybody talks about these “life hacks” now (good grief - do we really need to “hack” life???).  If that’s not a life hack, I don’t know what is.

What’s healthier about grass-finished vs. regular grain-finished beef?  Fat – there is not as much fat and it’s a different type.  The grass-finished beef has more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.  It has CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which burns fat and may reduce heart disease and cancer risks.  It also has more antioxidant vitamins, like vitamin E.    

We hope you are all doing well.  I’ll be back to you in the next few weeks with an announcement about how, when, and where to buy some of our grass-finished beef.


Happy Cows!


Save some time!


Pleasant memory of tasting a gas station ham sandwich in France